More Forms Functionality

Monday we invited our Support Guru Dragonfly to blog about TouchDown’s fabulous Forms Functionality.  Today we dive a bit deeper to give  you an in-depth view of how you can use Forms to get information out more efficiently:

Dragonfly here again, here to show off more with the Forms functionality. For a basic introduction to forms, check here. (Link to original post.) I would suggest reading that one first so you get a better understanding on the basics.

In today’s demo, I’m going to be showing how to attach items to a form. Say I run an entomology blog, and want to be able to have an easy way for my followers to send in their cool bug pictures to me with a little information on it, a TouchDown form would be a perfect solution for those users with TouchDown.

Planning the form out, I’d probably just want to use two screens, one for the information about the picture, and one for actually attaching the image. Let’s get started!


Creating a new Form

So, I start with creating the page for the picture info. I want to separate the user info and the bug info, so I add a section between the text boxes.



Creating the first screen


And here is the finished screen. The insect info field is a Section.


I add a button to go to the screen I am about to create.

Now, on the new screen, I add an image capture field.


Here’s where things get a little complicated. I need to set Attach to True, set the filename to image.jpg (As these pictures taken from smartphones are .jpgs) and that should set that up correctly. The importance of adding the Attach value to true means that the image will be attached to the email, so that is very important. Also, remember to add a Done button.

I move on to the Generated data screen and add the email body.


Here’s the finished body of the email.

You may think that you need to add an attachment on this screen as well, but you do not. By setting the image field Attach to True, this will cause it to attach without issue.

After that, I save and deploy the form.

Here’s how it appears on the device.



I constantly seem to get chess pieces confused with bugs.


And the output, complete with the picture.

Thanks for reading and hope this helps you as you generate more forms. If you have any questions, please let us know at!





Forms: A tutorial on one of TouchDown’s coolest features

Today’s tutorial is packed full of information, so grab a cup of coffee and settle in!  The Forms Feature in TouchDown is not the most used feature in TouchDown, but it has amazing functionality for those who need forms on the go.  Forms are a great way to communicate similar information across various occurrences: Imagine you are  an IT Tech headed to an onsite visit and need to communicate status, photos and conclusions to your boss in an email, or  that you are a  team member and have a daily meeting for which results need to be shared with your team via email.  Fire up Forms in TouchDown, create your  items to create in the forms (say, time of event, findings, photo, conclusion, next steps, etc), then send the result to your specified recipients  in a nicely formed email.  Super useful, right?  Here’s Dragonfly, our Tech Support Guru, to tell you how:


Dragonfly here, and I’m going to talk about one of the less used, but still very cool features of TouchDown: Forms. The TouchDown form generator allows you to create your own forms that can easily be edited to include various fields, such as Date, text fields, checkboxes, etc, so an end user who imports a form can enter just a few values, and automatically generate an email that incorporates said values. Today, I’m going to demonstrate basic form creation and deployment in this tutorial. You can read more about TD forms here:

To start, download the forms generator here:

Another thing you may want to have is Outlook, so you can send the form out easily when it’s been created. But, it’s easy enough just to save it if you don’t haveOutlook.
First, download the file, and once you open it, choose ‘Design new form.’

This is the main Forms interface. The screens are as follows:


1. General: allows you to save and send the form
2. Screens: allows you to control the content of the screens
3. Generated data: allows you to control the outgoing email
4. Recipients: controls who gets the results of the form
5. XML View: to view the code.


Now, before I start building the form, I will need to plan out what I want to do with it. For this example, I decided to do something a little more whimsical- I’m going to create a character sheet for a generic tabletop Role playing game, but it should demonstrate some of the basic capabilities of forms that can be applied to just about anything.
First, I’m going to create my first screen. It’s going to show the character creation and date. To do this, I click ‘add screen’.
Now, you can see I’m on the name screen. To add functions to it, I drag and drop them into the main area, and then, using the menu on the right, add attributes so they make sense and aren’t just random fields.


Note the field on the side that is used to set attributes. This comes in very handy as it allows you to customize what the various fields do and look like.
Now I’m going to edit the field for the name text box. Nothing fancy here, just changing the general label and name from ‘Nameless’ to ’Name’ so the user knows to put the character name in there.
I add a label to the date field as well. Now that I’m done with that, I’m going to create a button that will go to the next page, which will be where I store the player stats. I click on the advanced field and hit the … button


Creating buttons to control the navigation of the form is essential, otherwise there will be no way to send, cancel, or go to other screens.

One that shows up, I create a new button. Since it’s going to the Stats page, I set the destination as Stats, and set the Label as ‘Next’.Capture8

Now, I create the stats page.


I add several text boxes for various numerical stat values, remembering to add names and labels, but I also add a drop down menu for the player class.

To do this, I drag the dropdown over, and assign it a label, then click on Misc to add a few character classes. Lastly, I click on a blank spot in the area to add a next button, like I did last time, to go to the ‘Inventory’ screen.


Adding a drop-down label


Drop down options for player classes

Now for the final screen, I’m going to include a checkbox to show that functionality. I add two text boxes for player’s inventory and skills, then ∫to determine if this is the person’s primary character. The checkbox serves to add a true/false after the selection, so it’s useful for Boolean situations.


The primary character button. Remember to add a correct ID/Label to every field.

Since I’ve decided that his is enough data to get a sense of what the character is, I create my done button. I click on an empty space in the screen, then pull up the navbutton editor.


Note that since this is the last screen, the “IsDone field” can be set to True.

Now that we have a list of fields and screens the user will interact with, I go to the Generated Data screen. I choose ‘Email Subject’ as the editable field, and enter ‘Character Sheet’ then switch to the body, and drag and drop the fields I would like to edit there. Since I don’t want to create a big block of text, I add a little HTML formatting.


Note the <p> and <br> to break it up.


Adding myself on the recipients tab.

On the recipient tab, I add myself, click save, and then go back to the General tab and Save, then hit Send.

I send it to myself, and it comes in as an attachment. After long pressing on it, I choose ‘Import Form,’ and TouchDown gives me the message that it is importing.




The email from Outlook


In the inbox, I hit menu>select form, and choose the form there.

Then, I go through the screens:



Changing his character class



And this is what the output looks like:


A completed character.

Eventually I plan on showing off more functionality with Forms, but this should help you get a better introductory understanding of how they work and what their abilities are. If you have any questions about forms, please let us know at








S/MIME ANd TouchDown for MAC

Hi everyone and welcome to Spring!  Today we have the last installment of our S/MIME series – today Dragonfly is going to talk about Mac.


Dragonfly from Nitrodesk support here. In this tutorial, I’m going to be showing how to import certificates for S/MIME in Touchdown for Mac, and how to send signed and encrypted messages. For this tutorial, make sure you have a valid certificate ready- if you’re not sure how to get one, contact your IT team. In this demo, I have my certificate already on my hard drive. (If you’re curious about more information on how S/MIME works, read the first blog post here:

Note: Also, one major pitfall is to be aware of what profile’s settings you are entering- as you can see in the below screenshot, I have four profiles in this Touchdown installation, so it’s important that I note which one I’m on. If you are trying to set up a certificate for one profile, but are in another profile’s settings, it obviously won’t work.

For the first step, you’re going to need to import your certificate into Touchdown.
Go into settings, and under email settings>Certificates.

The certificates screen:

certificate 1

Click import

The import certificate screen:

certificates 2

Adding a certificate from the desktop- I just happened to save mine here:

certificates 3

Once you find it, hit Open.

Entering the certificate password and choosing what it will be used for. In this case, I want to use it for signing and encryption:

certificates 4

Once done, hit ‘Import.’

Once you do that, you should see the certificate on the list of Certificates on the Settings>email settings>Certificates. Now, let’s send an encrypted email to the welovenitrodesk account. Before we do that, they will need our public key, but for the sake of simplicity, let’s assume they already have that. (I sent them a signed message earlier, and they validated, so they have it.) I’ll also need their public key as well. To get their public key, I have welovenitrodesk send me a signed message.

Welovenitrodesk’s signed message:

certificate 5

In this message, you can see the little signing icon meaning they’ve sent me a signed message, so I go and click on the little sign symbolAfter clicking validate, and it shows up as valid, I click Import, and it gives me the message that it has been validated:


certificates 6


I want to make sure it’s still valid, so I click ‘validate’ then once it shows up as validated, I click import. Now that I have welovenitrodesk’s public key, I can send them encrypted mail once they have my public key.

Sending an encrypted and signed message to welovenitrodesk:

certificates 7

On the email compose screen, I hit the lock icon, and check the options to sign and encrypt the message, hit Ok, and send it out.

Back in Touchdown for iOS, I get the encrypted email:


Hope this has been a helpful tutorial in using Touchdown for Mac’s S/MIME functionality. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to get in touch with us at Thanks for reading!


How S/MIME Encryption works, Part II

As promised, here is part two of our S/MIME encryption series (how to encrypt your email on TouchDown for Android) by our awesome support master, Dragonfly:

First off, I open the email with the certificate attached. Entering the attachment list, I download and long press it to bring up a menu, and choose ‘import certificate.’

Long press on the attached certificate.

Choose import certificate.

I enter the password.

Enter the password.

This menu pops up, make any changes you want, and hit Ok. Contact your IT team if you’re not sure if you need to choose any of these settings.

Now I have the certificate imported, and can send out signed or encrypted emails. As I want to send an encrypted email to welovenitrodesk, I’ll grab their public key in an email they sent to me.

The signed email from welovenitrodesk. I apparently can’t spell sign.

I click on the key icon in the top right, and am prompted to validate the certificate, which I do. Now I have their public key in my store.

Click Validate.

The certificate is valid.

Now I compose an email to them and click the menu button, and choose ‘options’.

The device I used for this doesn’t have a menu button, so Touchdown generates a soft one. Different devices will look different, but it usually isn’t too hard to find the menu key on the compose screen. (If you don’t see a soft menu button, and are on a device running Android 3.x or above, you want to be using Touchdown HD instead of Touchdown for Smartphones.). Optionally you can also press the Options button on the blue toolbar.

Choose to sign and encrypt it.

And just like that, I’ve sent welovenitrodesk a signed and encrypted message.

Meanwhile, in welovenitrodesk, the signed/encrypted message decrypts perfectly.

Hope this helps users get a better understanding on how to use S/MIME functionality with Touchdown for Android. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at for any iOS queries. Thanks for reading!

Securing your Email with S/MIME

Today we start an awesome mini-series from one of our support gurus, DragonFly, about how S/MIME works in general, with following tutorials on how to implement S/MIME in TouchDown on iOS, Android and Mac platforms.  Check out today’s tutorial on iOS!


Dragonfly from NitroDesk support here. In the following, today I’ll be describing how to import and use S/MIME in Touchdown for iOS. Using this functionality you can sign messages, proving that you are the person sending that particular message, and optionally encrypt them, meaning the email will only be readable by people who you have included in the message. Signing provides you with non-repudiation and potentially detect tampering on the fly and encryption prevents unauthorized viewing of the message. This type of functionality is great for keeping your emails safe and ensuring that information’s coming from the right source. (For more information on how S/MIME works, here’s a good tutorial: Just know that to send an encrypted email, you need to have the recipient’s public key and vice versa- these can be verified from within Touchdown when that person sends you a signed message. Here’s what you’ll need before you get started:

First, you’ll need a certificate for S/MIME signing and the latest version of Touchdown. To get a certificate for S/MIME, you’ll want to contact your IT team. Also, keep in mind the only two certificate types Touchdown supports is .pfx and .p12. The certificate would need to include the complete chain to the root certificate authority.

If you have your certificate already in IE, but need to export it to your desktop,Here’s how (in IE):

1. Go into the Settings>Internet Options, and clicking on the Content tab.

2. Click on Certificates, and find the one you want to export

3. Click Export. Make sure you choose the option to export the private key and also to include all certificates in the certification path.

4. Choose a file path, and save it.

5. Don’t forget to  remember the password you use to perform the export. This password prevents anyone else from being able to access the certificate. If you’re having difficulty with this process, contact your IT team and see if there’s another way you should be doing it. As with any operations like this, make sure you are staying within your IT team’s best practices so you stay in alignment with any security policies.

6. Once you have your certificate backed up to a file, send that file to your email as an attachment, and you’re ready to go.

Let’s start with the iOS version.

S/MIME for iOS

In this demo, I show how to send an encrypted email to the ‘welovenitrodesk’ account.

First, I want to ensure that I have my certificate for S/MIME, so I find the email with the attached certificate, and view it in the attachment list.

The attached certificate, note the file type is .pfx. 

After downloading, I click the ‘I’ icon and choose to ‘Import for both.’

Choose Import for Both.

A password prompt appears.

Enter your certificate password here that was created when you generated the certificate. 

After entering the correct password (This is set up during certificate exporting from your browser, for help with this  please contact your IT team) it will tell you your certificate has been saved.

Saved certificate message. 

Now that I have a certificate, I’m ready to send the account  welovenitrodesk an encrypted message:

I click on the tools/options icon and enable Encryption and signing.

Tools icon to enable encryption signing.

Enable signing and encryption for the email.

I send the email. If you suddenly see this message (see below), it means you didn’t validate the recipient’s public certificate key from a signed message. (This can also be done over the GAL if your company supports it.) Remember how I said earlier that to send an encrypted email, you need the recipient’s public key? Now I just need to fetch it. Thankfully, a while back welovenitrodesk sent me a signed message, which contains the key.


I find the email where welovenitrodesk sent me the key, and click on the lock icon.

Welovenitrodesk sent me a signed message.

I click ‘verify signature’ and it verifies.


Now I can send that encrypted message!

The second time, I attempt to send the encrypted message again. This time it comes through.

Back in welovenitrodesk, after having imported the public certificate and the welovenitrodesk certificate, I check the encrypted message, and am able to successfully decrypt it.


The signed and encrypted email.

Clicking on the lock icon, I can confirm that it is indeed signed and encrypted.

Hope this helps you get a better understanding on how to use S/MIME functionality with Touchdown for  iOS. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at for any iOS queries. Be sure to check in on Monday for Part II, SMIME for Android. Thanks for reading!

New Demo – TouchDown for Android Beta – Swiping

Hi all beloved Android Beta users, do we have a treat for you! (and non-beta users, you can play this too ! )

Great new swiping feature on the latest build of Android beta:

Here are a few screenshots – what do you think?

Screenshotandroidbeta2 Screenshotandroidbeta1 Screenshotandroidbeta

Backing up your iPhone before you install iOS7

Many iPhone users are giddy with excitement today, feverishly refreshing their ‘check for updates’ or checking the App store, waiting to install the new iOS7. And although all has gone well for those of us who have beta tested it, I always, always encourage you to back up your old OS before jumping to the new.  So, while you wait for the magic time (10am Pacific time perhaps??) that has yet to be announced, heres a quick refresher of how to back up your iPhone to your computer.  Thank me later !



Backing up to iTunes:

#1: Connect your iPhone to your desktop/laptop with your USB cable.

#2:  iTunes will launch automatically   and start the sync process, and if your phone is set-up for auto back-up, this will start the back-up process. If not, go on to the next step.

#3: Click on the “Summary” button for your iPhone. Click on the Back Up Now button.  Ta-da!!

Backing up to iCloud:

#1: Connect to Wifi

#2: Tap on your Settings icon

#3: Tap on iCloud



#4: Tap on “Storage and Back-up” , then “Back up now.”  The back-up process will start immediately.

storagebackup    backupnow

Now that you are backed up,  install what you like.



Switching to a slick new Samsung Android device?

This how to switch from one Android device to another tutorial comes from one of our Support Guru’s, Nitrodesk Nanny.  We thought you might need it soon with the new Samsung devices releasing September 25th…And yes, new TouchDown for Android release scheduled for late September!

One of the top 10 questions we receive over at is how to relicense TouchDown if you switch between Android devices. Let me walk you through it. It’s easy, I promise.

First, you need to download the 30 day free trial version of TouchDown, as it is the main application. You can download the application from the Google Play Store on your device or you can download from our website Once you have it installed, configure it with your email account.

If you have Android OS 2.x on your device, you will want to download TouchDown for Smartphones.

If you have Android OS 3.x and above on your device, you will want to download TouchDown HD (for ICS/JB).

We are now ready to activate TouchDown!

You need to determine how you purchased the license originally. We now have several ways of purchasing a license key for TouchDown so this is important.

  • Google Market/Play Store/Google Checkout
  • Amazon Android App Store
  • Esellerate

With Google Market, Google Play Store, or Google Checkout you need to download our license key application. This is called Exchange by TouchDown Key or TouchDown Pro Key. You can log into  to  see which Gmail account you purchased with.

If you purchased via Amazon Android App Store, you will need to have the Amazon application installed and you will need to be logged in with the account you purchased with. More information can be found here: Getting Started

If you purchased via Esellerate you would have received a confirmation email. Within this confirmation email is the serial number you would need to type in to activate TouchDown. If you do not have your confirmation email you can also search for your order here:


Nitrodesk Nanny